Comments : Torn Between the Past and the Present

  • 19 years ago

    by stephyG

    Hey..u are such a talented writter and i really enjoy reading your poems.. thanx so much for the comment.. it really means alot. take care speak soon.. never stop writting!!!oxox Stephy :)

  • 19 years ago

    by BK Butterfly

    Heya...thank you for your comment!
    This poem is really great! As for myself I think you should get back with him, it's not really fair to your actual b-f that you don't love him, and anyway sooner or later he'll know that you loved someone else all along! Mayber it's better to make it sooner then!
    But I understand your point though, he has been there to help you through!
    And your poem shows really well the situation you are in!
    Good job! keep on writing!