Here's To My Best Friend

by Audrey   Jan 2, 2006

Here's to all the times good and bad
Here's to all the times we made our parents mad

Here's to all the times we've fought
Here's to all the presents we've bought

Here's to all the times we laughed till we cried
Here's to all the times we got soaked in the waters tide

Here's to all the dumb movies I picked out
Here's to all the times we pout

Here's to all the times we've got the golfcart stuck
Here's to all the times we've got hit with the air hockey puck

Here's to all the times we've fallen down the stairs
Here's to all the times we've gotten lost at fairs

And here's to my best friend
May our friendship never end


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  • 19 years ago

    by TinyDancer46

    Oh my gosh, I love this poem!! This is my favorite friendship poem that I have ever read! It reminds me so much of me and my best friend, and all the dumb little things we've done. This is a brilliant dedication and I hope you guys are friends forever! =) keep up the great writing! xoxo

  • 19 years ago

    by Mandy

    This poem is so true!!! At first i thought it was just another poem but then i realized when u said heres to all the dumb movies i pick out!! u do pick out dumb movies ya know!!! lol I think its fine even if it does say heres too alot, i mean thats the whole point isnt it? This is the BEST poem i have ever read!!! :)
    love ya,
    Mandy ps.. the golfcart got itself stuck!!!!

  • 19 years ago

    by *Chels & Britt*

    From Chels- Audrey, This poem was cute!! You have no idea how many memories you have brought back for me..the air hockey part..haha that is me and my best friend in a nutshell we been hit so many times...anyways beautiful dedication to your best friend I'm sure she loved this! P.S...might want to change saying Here's too.....reading the same line after a while is a little harder to read...other then that good job!

    From Britt- his is a good poem, but its a bit too repetitive for me. It got a little boring having to read the same lines every time...but i can that you and your best friend have a close relationship and I'm sure a bunch of crazy* inside jokes!! Shes lucky to have a great friend!

  • 19 years ago

    by ebony-rose

    That poem is interesting, has some random subjects but obviously it isnt random to you very good!!

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