Daddy Why?

by kittykat0232   Jan 2, 2006

Daddy why don't you love me?
Daddy why don't you care?
Daddy why were you never there?

Daddy why did you leave me cold and alone?
Daddy why did you never come home?

Daddy, mommy says your gone,
tell her, daddy, tell her she's wrong!

Daddy I want you home!
I miss you daddy and I feel all alone!

Daddy, why did you leave?
was it because you just didn't love me?


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  • 19 years ago

    by David Marshall

    Wow..that was good....i dont really like my parents that much..especially my mom..but in this poem it seems like u love your parents alot...and i think thats cool...but this was a really good poem i liked it alot...5/5 for sure

  • 19 years ago

    by Michelle

    Awwwww.... don't give up... im a daddy's girl too. i wish you the best of luck with your dad...

    big hugs,


  • 19 years ago

    by mel

    I liked this poem.

    and yeah. it did happen to me.. recently, actually.

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