Next Crime For Her

by Katlynn   Jan 3, 2006

So you slap me, I'll write it down.
so you cut me, I'll write it down.
I'll be like all of you.
I'll make sure i get the details.
I'll make everything right.

I'll get on top of you.
I'll kiss you like no other.
but really i want to kill you.
i want to watch you bleed.
let me get the video tape.

I'll make sure I'll leave you.
leave you in the room.
locked up, handcuff.
I'll come next to you.
rob the knife on you.
kiss you.

whisper the three little words.
I'll tell you a lie.
I'll tell you i love you.
watching the knife go into you.
the heart is beating outside of you.
yeah what's new with this.
I've done it to everyone else.

the blood getting on me.
the flesh of your lost one.
I'll carve my name on your body.
I'll cut off something else.
I'll make you look like a girl.

make it a pleasure for me.
make it a story for the cops.
I'll write a behind sex crime.
making you number one on the list.
I'll lick the blood off of you.
make it a sex game gone wrong.

did i just sing the wrong song.
did i make it worth something.
would you love me again.
would you love me in he.ll.
would you actually fall for me again.

wanna see??
maybe i can give your blood back.
not your heart.
sorry i broke it last night.
when you were dead on my bed.
so I'll lay next to your body.
staring at you with pleasure.
I'll kiss you forever.
remembering I'm the next Jason.
killing everyone in my site.
while having pleasure after they are dead.


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  • 19 years ago

    by xX-jess-Xx

    I thought this was great, i liked the fact it didnt rhyme, it suited the mood, i kinda just wrote a poem like it but its not reall finished yet...its not about death though. neways im rambling lol great work hun! jesxx

  • 19 years ago

    by Cari

    This is really powerful... kinda scarey but well written... nice job!

  • 19 years ago

    by Juls

    Umm..Are ya okay hun? lol it was good but really intense my eyes opened wide on this one. Great work
    5/5 Juls