A quarter for you time
a penny for your thoughts
a dime for your ear
and a nickel for your patients
all i really want
is for you to hear
what i have to say
this could be useful
or just push you away
but i think you need to know
you may not think it's important
because of who
your hearing it from
but just because it's me
you shouldn't tune out
what i have to say
cause you might need to tell someone else someday
this might be hard for some people
because they are shy
but I'm going to look you in the eye
and tell you
what you need to hear
no matter if it's bad or good
I'll tell you like i said i would
and I'm going to get to the point
would you like to know why
I've told you all this
it's because
so here's
a quarter for you time
a penny for your thoughts
a dime for your ear
and a nickel for your patients