My life

by Beautiful Nightmare   Jan 3, 2006

Do u ever feel like your walking alone and theirs no one to pick you up off the floor once you've fell.I do,and i hate the feeling that no ones their and understands.My friends their ok i have a few that i can count on but then i have other's who really don't give a crap and it's all about me me to them i listen to them but when i try and to tell them stuff they shut me out.My family their there for me but my mom as every thing planned out for me but did she ever stop and think that maybe that's not what i wont and i know I'm not the perfect kid but who ever said anyone was perfect?.All i have is my music and if i were to ever have that taken away i don't what i would do it takes me to a place were i visit every second of every day were find peace and i can be who i wont too.But here I'm just another person trying to make it.My only wish in life is to meet the one person i adore the most but that will never happen i guess it's to much to ask.So welcome to my life were no understands a dang thing about me.


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