In that Moment

by 100Percent_inlove   Jan 3, 2006

"Don't leave me alone."
She cried to me.
"I'm scared. please stay.
It's blurry, I almost can't see.

Stay by my side
the way you did for years."
Then I looked at her
and said "Always", in tears.

In that moment she stared at me
so sternly and caring.
Memories rushed to mind,
of everything we had been sharing.

In that moment, I took her hand.
I told her "Everything will be fine."
I had never seen a friend so sick,
Let alone, my best friend dying.

she said "I see someone.
He looks gentle and nice."
I said "Stay with me". she said,
"It's an angel. His name is Bryce."

In that moment, tears were helpless.
My heart pumped harder.
I couldn't believe she was so close,
yet getting farther and farther.

"Thank you" she said,
"for that friendship you gave me.
If I had a chance to live,
I know the person I'd want to be.

I'm not afraid anymore.
Take care. I love you. Goodbye."
She slowly untightened her hand,
took a last breath, and closed her eyes.

In that moment my crying was stronger.
But I smiled after some time,
Because I made a difference in her life.
and she definately made one in mine.

She must be in heaven
because she gave me all her heart.
And nor anyone nor anything, even death,
Can ever tear us apart.

*this was a story that came to me and I just decided to write about it.


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  • 19 years ago

    by Rican Chemistry

    Wow I have tearz in my eyes...this is so heartfelt, I dont kno how u can write bout this without actually gone through it and still have so much emotion in it....perfect job!!!
