What I've Become

by Brian n Josh   Jan 3, 2006

Splash the water on my face
To wake me up so i can see
See that I've become
See what I've grown to be

Then I look into the mirror
I see what I've become
The look on my face
Has my heart grown numb?

My squinted eyes
The sneer on my face
Cut down the self-esteem of people
It's not even my place

I've become a bully
An insensitive as$hole
the tears now streaming down my cheek
the horrible things I've done, now taking their toll

I've become someone i hate
The things i make people go through
I make them feel like nothing
Not even knowing what they may have to go home to

I've become someone who wants to change
I see how I've been so dumb
Now I see it all
I see what I've become...

by josh


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  • 18 years ago

    by Carrie

    This poem is really good... 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by Bronwyn

    That poem is one of the best i have read since i joined here and that was 2 days ago. Excuse my msn ppl are talkin to me. Hang on. But yeah what was i saying? Oh, yes. i joined in the hope to meet some one who has been stuck in the same problem. i have changed so much that i am actually listening to what people have to say rather than being a bully. Can't wait to read more of your poems Josh.
    Bronwyn. xoxo

  • 18 years ago

    by Micky

    Thx for commenting i like ur poem

  • 19 years ago

    by Shae

    Thank you for commenting my friends poem.it means a lot!your poems are great!this one...5/5:)

  • 19 years ago

    by iDeePanda

    Thanx 4 ur support!!!!!
    anyway, this wuz really good....seriously...5/5