Dos she even know what i did

by lexcondevill   Jan 3, 2006

Dos she know how much that hart seeing her the other night coming in to my place of work were she knows I work yet she had to come she had to have a chance to see me, dos she know how much strength it takes to not call her every day or want to write her an email of come see her dos she know how hard that is, dos she know how hard it was for me to sit there and have the judge tell he that I can have anything to do with her dos she know how much it hertz for every day to wake up and be reminded that the love of your life is gone yeah most people would say your young there will be others but I know that there was something special about that girl from the first time I lade eyes on her from that time on I have always been drown to her I have always known were she is with out knowing at all b/c I can feel her and its hart more to have her taken so far way form me it harts more then when my grandpa died and every x-mass to go to my grandparents house and know he wont be there to finely try and fully except her not being around and for her to try and bug me or try and show me that sheâ??s still around that she still wants to be apart of me although we both know that that cant happen with out her parents permission , but I guess me leaving the school and avoiding a lot of my favorite places now, you say Iâ??m forgetting and that Iâ??m pushing you away and that Iâ??m the one that's moving on but I did it all for you so that you didn have to see me every day and so that you didnâdidhave to feel that pain every day but I guess it was all worth nothing b/c you still want me to be apart of your life you still want me to be around then what did I truly go to court for to show you that I had the power to make you worse before you got better I guess I really wont understand why I never told him the total truth ......... just so I could protect you I guess there is nothing I can really do but say ill be here when and if you can get permission from your parents and if you maybe after a wile see me alone or something so that I can show my true emotions when I first see you again and I first hold you in my arms again. I guess I just hide my emotions from every buddy but you b/c some how you reached and moved past that, but I Iâ??m worried about you and I do someday want to know what you meant by before something happens maybe someday when can stay up all night talking wave came close but we have never been able to do be for but until then bye


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  • 19 years ago

    by Bleeding Mascara

    Wow it looks like u had one of those writters bursts keep it up

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