The Picture Filled With Pain

by ShadowedPhoenix   Jan 3, 2006

Looking at this picture, I see many familiar faces,
I see 3 specific guys and my heart begins to race!
Standing in the picture blending with the rage,
Or maybe with the heartache that covered the part of the page.....

The first of the trio, I hated all too much,
I hated him for every kiss, for every touch,
He had a glow about him that appeared so dull,
A dullness for which I quickly fell!
He poses as if he's the object of all lust,
Yet he lacks what most of us need....TRUST.
As I look at him, the hatred boils inside me,
I'm chained to it, yet I'm completely free!

The second of the three,
Is the one that means the most to me!
I love him for his smile that lightens up a room,
Any girl would find it hard to resist, this is easy to assume.
He stands forward as if he is unsure of himself,
As if what he's living, is not his life!
I look at him and love infects my heart,
It contaminates the most important part!

The final guy out of the 3, is the object of my lust,
To have, to touch, to hold, is a must.
His smouldering looks burn bright like fire,
He's the object of most girls desire.
He presents himself with such confidence....
One night of pleasure and I have not seen him since.
Staring at him my body becomes hot,
As the memories overflow, as if it's all I've got!

The truth is a burden, hard to bare,
For I truly believed once that all 3 cared.

Although maybe you should know for I cannot lie,
Those 3 are all truthfully THE SAME GUY!


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Latest Comments

  • 18 years ago

    by **MIMI**

    That was really amazing and well written. The way you described this guy as three different people shows all the different sides to his personality, well done 5/5.

  • 18 years ago

    by LastPromise

    That was a great poem. The last two lines completely change what i thought the meaning would be and I really didnt see it coming, in some way reminded me of someone I know. It was great keep it up. 5* x-x-x

  • 19 years ago

    by Pauly D.

    Wow, shadowed, exemplary work here. You've really just made me delve into some forlorn memories of mine except in a different circumstance. This was incredible, a joy to read, and a quintessential example of your talent...masterful, shadowed.

  • 19 years ago

    by The Angel of Secrets

    Great poem;)

  • 19 years ago

    by Wasted Fake Smiles

    Wow i didnt c that commin,,,yet i kno exactly how u feel! gr8 work

    ~*Who Cares?*~