The Broken Man

by The Poetic Child   Jan 3, 2006

Heart beating fast,
Vision moving slow,
Dizzy in my head,
The fact that i know

Hearing these things,
But i just let it fly
not knowing you crying,
was just another lie

crying out to me
saying baby its not true
how i could i cheat,
I'm only in love with you

bursting in Tears
getting shorter in breathe
i believed you were true
but now theres nothing left

It ran through my head
i couldn't think no more
i lay down gently on the bed,
shut and locked my door,

Thinking about it
and hoping your not
then i find out it is true
and you had just got caught

I Laid down on the pillow
and cried to let it out
But i still love you so much

I couldn't breath anymore
my lungs were on fire
the anger and sadness
To Call u a liar

you fooled me and played me
Like i was just part of the game
Cried and made me feel bad
to let me sulk in my shame

Now what can i do
for there is no holding hand
i just lay on the bed
cause I'm the "Broken Man"

Dedicated- I want to Dedicate this Poem For anyone Here that has been lied to on and cheated, its not the greatest thing, but if he/she cheated, they never really loved you, for now all i can say is, You Can Make it Your Strong and Your Unique in your way...Have a good Day All....Bye....


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  • Beautiful work...keep it up so i can read more from you...

  • 17 years ago

    by X Kashies Misery X

    That was really good, I felt the amount of emotion and pain you put into this poem, it made me anxious to read it all....that's a great thing to interest and lock your reader into you poem, it was so intense, I seriously loved it. Although some lines need question marks, and some words have a little grammar errors, you should fix them up because they tend to have a big effect. But yeah, amazing.....

  • 19 years ago

    by BeautifulDisaster

    This is another fantastic poem hun, you're very talented, and a BOY ha, wow sorry i'm not sexist but I dont really expect boys to have feelings or write beautiful poetry, ialways thought you were cruel but you proved me wrong heh, ohh and you're a drummer howw lovveeely we shud form a band mwahahaha my friend wants to form a band so she can cuuff the hot drummers and bassists but okay too much info kthx. prettypoeeeeem

  • 19 years ago

    by FoundHim

    I havent been cheated on but i have been lied to and the feeling that results is not great...i love this one and cant wait to read the next one... i always comment on your poems because i want you to kno that i really love your poems and i comment on almost every poem i read... great job and keep it up

  • 19 years ago

    by myshiningstar14

    Good dedication. It's nice to kno i am not the only one whose been lied and cheated on. Love never lies! So if they lie they're not love! Latas/ i rly enjoyed this poem.