The Lesson

by Melissa   Jan 4, 2006

Sitting on the bathtub
I have nowhere to hide
As you look down in sadness
Knowing that I lied

The blood is still dripping
As you decide what to do
To sit there and talk
Or scream at me, too

The razor falls down
And as it hits the ground
Blood splatters all over
I am amazed by the sound

My arm is covered
In memories of sadness
When will I ever end
This destruction, caused by madness

You look down at my arm
Then glance down to the razor
I look into your eyes
They are almost like lasers

I look down in shame
I cant believe what I have done
Why didnt I see it coming?
Why didnt I look towards the sun?

''There is always a bright side
There is always more to life
So put down that razor
And carry on with your strife

Lock away that weapon
And view what you have begun
This is not your fault
It was others having fun

They did not know it hurt you
They didnt see your pain
They did not know your tears were
Pouring down your cheeks like rain

Just forget all their mean words
But next time dont back down
Show them what pain does to you
Show them your crown

Show them the crown
That you earned during battle
The battle for life
For you are not like cattle

You have survived your cutting
And maybe next time youll have learned
Pain is not the answer, if you play with fire
You will be burned''

As I sat there
Listening to your speech
I realized your words will stay with me
They will stick to me like a leech

I will never forget them
As I crawl into bed
You kiss me goodnight
There will be no more color red


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  • 19 years ago

    by Loulou

    This poem is really good