
by Matters   Jan 4, 2006

This isn't much sad, but I think it was the closest category. It is also EXTREMELY l o n g g g g, so be prepared.

Votes && Comments: Appreciated! (sometimes returned. *guilty face*)

This life is one worth living,
The story teller said,
For we only have one chance,
To be alive, not dead.

So let me spin a yarn,
So ancient and so old,
The heat of roaring fire,
Will scorch away the cold.

So close your eyes, oh young one,
Let me tell an awe filled song,
Listen to me, child,
You'll know it all along.

A thousand moons ago,
Was the pure and beauty maiden,
Yet however hard she tried,
With work her arms were laden.

She could take off all the weight,
But it would never end,
So she would cry for hours,
With each imaginary friend.

The decision came, she made it,
She'd take her life away,
If it could treat her this mad awful,
Life could wait a day.

She made sure before she went,
To pray to God above,
In one last hopeful dream,
He would bestow upon her love.

Now listen closely, child,
He said, this is the best,
Hear of God's importance,
To stop her early death.

Listen harder, child,
And maybe you will live,
Seek refuge in the small things,
And learn how to forgive.

She loved him, he continued,
God was her final wish,
If not, there was the devil,
Maybe he could stop all this.

She spoke to him so sweetly,
Said, God, please listen close,
This life treats me so awful,
I'm burdened by the host.

Should I God? Should I go?
Am I meant to stay?
Are all the tears this worth it?
When I cry them everyday?

She listened for an answer,
And none seemed yet to come,
But then she heard a melody,
Softer than a hum.

God had heard her prayer,
He said, you mustn't die,
After all, you are so young,
It's hard to see you cry.

Just remember all the small things,
The true meanings of this life,
And remember when I say,
Throw away the knife.

The girl began to cry,
As the tears welled up her face,
Yet her eyes just swam with happiness,
That never could replace.

She was a free soul now,
Her life was hers once more,
She looked death in the eye,
And pushed him out the door.

Thanks to God, she lived,
Exuberance prevails,
Remember now, my child,
That God will never fail.

The story teller ended,
With a smile on his brow,
He said, I hope you stop,
Killing yourself now.

He was answered by the child,
Through a drop of pure, clean, tears,
She knew, when gone that day,
It was time to fight her fears.


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  • 19 years ago

    by aliiiii

    It was amazing. More than anything I've ever read. Keep writing! 5/5

  • 19 years ago

    by Arie

    That was amazing! You are a very awesome and powerful writer! omg, i loved it and that is soo true..i agree with every word! Keep up the good work, that was amazing!

  • 19 years ago

    by Kara

    Beautiful!! I love it! You got talent!

  • 19 years ago

    by Kristina

    This is a great poem.Keep up the great work

  • 19 years ago

    by niko

    Omg this is exactly what ive been feelin now n ive been down 4 sooooo long n God's finally gotten thru 2 me n this is like perfect timing 4 my life n i just love it its an awesome poem keep up the awesomeness work!!!!!!!