I cut I bleed
I watch as my crimson sorrows drip away
It's always pain day after day
No matter how it starts out
It always ends the same old way
I'm always sad and alone at the end of the day
Why can't I ever be happy for more than a day
When I'm happy it never lasts long
Something always comes along
And makes me depressed
So I grab my razor and cut
And think to myself maybe next time
This won't happen
I have been hurt so much in my life
Why can't I be happy instead of depressed
No one to tell how I feel
So I put on a smile
And pretend I'm as fine as can be
When I'm really dying inside
Not knowing if tomorrow will bring
More sorrow or if just maybe
I'll get lucky and end up being happy
I've learned to always expect the worst
I have no more hope in myself
Why can't anybody see how bad I'm hurting inside
Day after day nobody sees
So I grab my razor once again and cut
The one thing that's always there for me
The one thing in my life I control
I'll never live up to people's expectations
I'm tired of not trying
So I decide it's my time to die
I grab my razor and slit my wrists
My pain will soon be over
I'll soon be happy after all this time
On the wall with my crimson sorrows I write:
I'm sorry I can't be perfect
*I know this isn't that good but I was really upset the day I wrote this and I just needed to vent*