The Heart Broken Joke

by David Paul   Jan 4, 2006

My heart still aches and my eyes are still red,
The best thing for this world is me being dead,
I know it sounds awful but no one really cares,
I'm just the heart broken joke at which everyone stares.

My mind is racing and my body is shaking,
You think all these words here are just me faking,
But you don't know the things that I've been through,
I'm just the heart broken joke here to entertain you.

My feet are both pounding and pulsing in my ears,
I must flee this place and leave behind my fears,
I know you say you'll miss me when I'm gone,
I'm just the heart broken joke that's been gone for so long.

My arms are as red as my eyes used to be,
With more of the red coming to me,
But what do you care your not my real friend,
I'm just the heart broken joke who's bringing his pain to an end.

My body is warm and my eyes are now shut,
I don't think anyone can dig me out of this 6-foot rut,
But I cry inside this coffin deep within the earth,
I'm still just the heart broken joke who has no worth.


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Latest Comments

  • 17 years ago

    by Samantha

    Truely amazing.

  • 19 years ago

    by Switchblade89

    That was a very interesting poem David....I like how you ended every stanza...nice writing....and hope to read more.

  • 19 years ago

    by Jenny

    That was really good. I love how that poems relates to my life, and many others. I also like how you worded the poem and your not afraid to show how that you feel there needs to be more people like that in this world