What if we all stormed the ivory tower
and met with the people with power?
What if we told them we won't take it any more
and we are tired of sending our children to war?
What if we started a revolution
and we had a solution?
What if we took away their weapons of destruction
and gave them new instructions?
What if we told them to try to work things out
instead of shooting their bombs with clout?
What if we told them to really try talk
instead acting like Jack In The Beanstalk?
What if we told them our children we love
and took off the boxing gloves?
What if we told them that people are beautiful
and that life is wonderful?
What if we told them that we only have so much time
and we don't have the tolerance for crime?
What if we could get the message to the hoard
and what if lovers ruled the world?