Comments : The Enevitable End

  • 19 years ago

    by master of shadow

    This is really good.

    I'm not too good at titles either... errmm...

    the enevitable end
    engulfing darkness
    the end of our days

    idk.. i really cannot do titles lol

    the poem itself though is great.


  • 19 years ago

    by *~Emma~*

    I don't know if you're still looking for a title or not, but i think the one you have fits perfectly! you've done an awsum job with you choice of words! well done!...........luv em

  • 18 years ago

    by Stabbylou

    Fantastic! The imagery in this is mind-blowing, it's an intelligent, awesome read. The structure is perfect, I loved this one, probably my favourite poem in a while. I'm jealous that you can write simply yet so well :p

  • 18 years ago

    by in.need.of.a.lucky.charm

    I liked this one!! it was refreshing. well done bub

    much love and many kisses,