My Final Goodbye (finally finished)

by Chevy   Jan 5, 2006

I might be young
But I have a voice
I might be young
But I have a choice

I might be young
But I do listen
I might be young
But I know whatâ??s right

I might be young
But Iâ??m not stupid
I might be young
But you should hear me out

I might be young
But not TOO young
I might be young
But they are too

I might be young
TOO young for you
I might be young
But not deaf blind or mute

I night be young
But I can speak my defense
I might be young
But Iâ??m mature inside

I might be young
By the rules I MIGHT follow
I might be young
But I think things through

I might be young
But still friends with you
I might be young
And immature

I might be young
With music TOO loud
I might be young
But you shouldn't use me
I might be young
But I can still learn
I might be young
Enough to stop habits before they start

I might be young
Enough to have problems
I might be young
Enough to use a blade

I might be young
With hurt down deep inside
I might be young
Enough to be invisible

I might be young
With scars visible
I might be young
With crimson red

I might be young
But I still hit the floor with a thud
I might be young
Enough to not be missed

I might be young
And as for this
Itâ??s my final goodbye
I know I wonâ??t be missed
When I finally go to my destined fate


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Latest Comments

  • 18 years ago

    by Chris Rodriguez

    We're young but strong. we're the new generation so be proud, man. I Like the poem it has a real power in it. A driving force that made me keep reading. nice job and keep

  • 19 years ago

    by swill

    Hey i really liked it...
    but i have a suggestion...try makin it a little shorter and removing the unimportant parts...cos i might be young is said a little too often...
    but maybe that has a its just a suggestion
    but i loved it!!!!!!!
    keep show true talent...

  • 19 years ago

    by t. h a l l i d a y *

    :o... THAT WAS AMAZING I REALLY LIKED IT.... wow .... ur an amazing writter keep it uppp ...

  • 19 years ago

    by Rain

    This is a good poem you put emontion it to it its sounds like there is this girl talking to people but they wont listen to her you have talent keep up the good work