Maybe suicide is the answer

by aknives sweet kiss   Jan 5, 2006

Why do i feel so dead inside
am i dead on the outside
why do i walk but feel so empty and lost
and so confused on the inside
maybe i should OD maybe i should take a gun and shoot myself or take a knife and cut and bleed or hang myself maybe suicide is the answer to my problems maybe not but this life i live i cant keep living

~please comment~
Thanks A_knifes_sweet_kiss


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  • 18 years ago

    by struggling

    Suicide is not the answer.I wish you didnt feel this way but know that i am here and i always will be.Im here.
    Love Ya Shareedaxoxo

  • 18 years ago

    by Lying To Live

    Good poem but dont hurt yourself....and good work on not cuttting i know how hard it is

    XoX ...2moroNEVAcame

  • 19 years ago

    by Justin G

    Actually i agree almost completely with erin. and any of u people start to give me this bullshit of u dont know, or its to hard. ok cause my life has been hell! im 18 and been through so much it could make your head spin. ive almost died at least 3 times. i have had a gun pointed at my head. i know what its like to think about suicide. but u never should actually try or cut yourself. thats just dumb. erin is right death is the easy way out, so live. take pride in the things u do. the hardest part about life is living. death is quick and sudden, easy. life is hard, requires effort, and perseverence. you only get one life, so live it.

  • 19 years ago

    by x_Zoey_Survivor_1987_x's neva the way...i know...stay string xx and fuk erin!!

  • 19 years ago

    by Erin

    Look you selfish little primadonna, its called Life. EVERYONE feels this way at some point in their life and if they don't they can't be human. taking your own life is the easy road; it is taking the easy way out. I dare you to live. I dare you to put the effort in and make something of your life. I dare you. you think your life is miserable.. but look at the people around you who care about you.. what do you think your death would do to their lives. think about that.

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