I wish

by Just Lisa   Jan 5, 2006

I wish there was a place where all my troubles would go away,
With joy and happiness, where everything would always be okay.
A place where wishes came true and dreams could be real,
So that I could get better and be happy with the way that I'd feel.

Sometimes I wonder why my life's so hard and how it just doesn't seem fair,
To me it's so important and to other people, they just couldn't seem to care.
Asking myself thousands of questions like why I'm so sick and how things got this way,
And how it hurts so much, thinking that this might just be my last day.

You see I have this sickness, this thing I call my "D",
At times it seems so simple, but it's only taking over me.
It's like it's taking away everything and it's causing all this strife,
Because it takes away the good things and f u c k s up my life.

I wish I could be normal so that I wouldn't have to live with all this hate,
Just trying to search for some answers when really all I can do is wait.
Waiting for a miracle or maybe even fate,
Because I've waited all my life and I'll never know when it might just be too late.

I wish I wasn't so scared, I wish my fears could just fade away,
And just maybe I could stand up and shout out to the world someday.
But I just hide it all inside me so no one else can see,
Because I'm suppose to be the strong one and make peoples think I'm happy.

I wish I had the answers, for the questions left untold,
Will I ever have to leave this place or just live to grow old.
And will I ever get better and let this pain just fade away,
Will I ever be able to tell the world that someday I'll be okay.

I'll always have this sickness even if I wish it could just end right here,
Because wishes just don't come true, they just slip away and disappear.
I'll always ask the question "why me" but I guess I'll just never really know,
And why bad things happen to good people, and why that's just the way things have to go.

But I wish wishes came true and dreams could be real,
Because if they did, I'd get better and be happy with the way that I'd feel.
But I guess this is reality and there's just nothing I can do,
I just wish I didn't wish my life wishing wishes came true.

**This poem is about my diabetes and how it gets me down at times and how hard it is to deal . . . Please comment and vote . . . it means the world**


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  • 18 years ago

    by missy

    Wow great poem! You really are good at writing poems and probably other things since you like it and all. I'm the same, love writing, it became one of my passions. Keep it up, i love it!

  • Hey, great poem, flow and rhyming are once again really good, well done, dont let it get you down, you CAN come out the other side.
    Love Mel

  • 18 years ago


    W0w thats sooooo good!!! my dad has diabetes !!! anyways really good poem i love it!!
    love always

    p.s. thanks for the comment on mine!

  • 18 years ago

    by Gem

    "But I wish wishes came true and dreams could be real,
    Because if they did, I'd get better and be happy with the way that I'd feel.
    But I guess this is reality and there's just nothing I can do,
    I just wish I didn't wish my life wishing wishes came true"

    The last line was genius!

  • 19 years ago

    by Stash [Broken]

    Wow.this poem is really deep.i REally like it.keep up the great work.and if you get a chance check out some of my new ones. thanks..great poems!