What I Have Found(Set Me Free)

by Sango   Jan 5, 2006

Once i was alone
Always on my own
Silent as ever
I walk along the path

I have lost all faith
I have lost all hope
Is this the end
The end for me

As i continue my choosen path
I run into a man
With eyes that shine like the sun
Could he be the one

The one only for me
His made me happy
His touch i did adore
Could he be the one I've searched for

The touch of his lips
Was like an eclipse
They are so soft & warm
He could never do me any harm

As he holds in his embrace
My heart begins to race
No one could ever replace
This ever so warm embrace

**I know it's long hey, this is another part of a song I'm working on**


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  • 19 years ago

    by Melanie

    All i have to say is that i love it alot