My journey

by Marjan   Jan 5, 2006

Now that I let the words out of the cage
Let them flow freely on this page
The sun is setting
And it's getting dark
Soon, up so high in the sky
The stars will spark
Starting my wander around the world
Walking on this earth that is way too cold
On my foot, I cross the land
A little lamp in my hand
A coat to keep me warm
Shoes to keep away the harm
I keep going on and on
Sometimes walk and sometimes run
Until a far away town I can see
Where under a bridge, there's a family
I feel ashamed
At the sight of a little boy
That his shirt is his only joy
Taking off my coat
I wrap it around him
A smile is the only thing I receive
Which is the best gift one can ever give
I keep going
Strong winds, freezing weather
Go back home. That's better.
Warm blankets, hot coffee
This a voice keeps telling me.
Not paying attention,
I keep going
With my lamp, trying to spread light
At this dark icy night
Somewhere, there's a woman
With unspoken words
Locked up inside her
She doesn't have any shoes to wear
Taking off mine, I give them to her
She looks at me with her shining eyes
In them, rest her silent cries
I pat her on the back
& disappear at the night so black
Deep wounds, thorny bushes on the ground
Utmost peace I have finally found
With a smiling face, I enter the next city
I have come to help humanity
A child at the side of a grave
For her father she craves
Sitting beside her for some seconds
After a while, we become friends
Trying to ease her pain
Being a shelter for her in the rain
At the end, I give her a hug
Then disappear in the fog
Tired but happy I return
A big lesson I have learned
Now, I'm completely blind
Leaving my lamp behind
For the little girl I have met, wants to
Have a journey around the world too.

by Marjan Nouhnejad


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  • 17 years ago

    by PoeticJustice

    Wow, very interesting. i didnt like it at first but the more i read it the more i saw your vision and how you wrote it. i loved the ending. great write. 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    Awww such an amazing poem, well written x x take kare x x x

  • 18 years ago

    by Cindy

    This is a beautiful poem! Full of hope and kindess, love and compassion.I really loved reading this! Excellent write!

  • 18 years ago

    by Bertha

    What an amazing poemmmm.

  • 18 years ago

    by Michaela

    Wow When I grow up I wanna write as p\good as you...gr8 job!