Our Sad Stories

by Cody   Jan 5, 2006

I gave her my heart
And she tore it apart
Threw the bleeding pieces to the wind
That's always how it begins

We all have our sad story
Of the one who showed you the way
Then went away

Mines no different from yours
It's all happened before

We've all seen the pain
We've all seen the shame

At it's end you feel lost
And you think you know the cost
We've all been there before
With our hearts on the floor

If you don't know the pain
You will some day
It washes all else away

It shakes you to your core
You just don't know what to do
You feel the darkness closing in
and you think it's the end

But you'll make it through
....we all do


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  • 19 years ago

    by xXx Expecting xXx

    This is good....we write kinda the same things...i love this poem...xoxo

  • 19 years ago

    by Erika

    Hey, nice job on this poem, it hurts me soo bad to read this because i"ve just recently been through it... It's really good though, nice job...

  • 19 years ago

    by Torn

    Wow. So wise, because it's so true, we do all feel that pain, or at least will someday. and then we fall in love again, and the cycle never ends.
    take care of urself..

    i just saw this mistake and it threw me off so i thought id mention it..

    "At it end you feel lost"
    with love,
    >torn -x.x.x-

  • 19 years ago

    by Violet

    This poem is great, reminds you that we all expiernce pain

  • 19 years ago

    by Sammi

    That makes me regret everything i've felt when my "heart was on the floor" it was very good... 5/5