Friends Do Not Exist...

by ღ Dark Princess ღ   Jan 5, 2006

The so called friends don't exist,
Because they are never there,
They say "I'm always here for you",
But they really never care.

I'm alone in the darkness,
No "friend" is there by my side,
But so many had said to be here,
To help me face each strife.

Friends words have no value,
Nor the promise or the vow,
Just look at me for a second,
No one is here right now...

(C) Written By Marielys


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  • 19 years ago

    by katee

    Great keep up the excellant work.

  • 19 years ago

    by TinyDancer46

    Ohhh :( This poem's really sad, and I can tell that you don't have the greatest experience when it comes to having true friends. And I know this sounds totally cliche, but I really am always here. So anytime that you feel lonely then just email me or something, kay? Trust me, I'm not just saying it. Try it out sometime alright? =) Well I just thought I'd tell ya that I really like your poems, Great job!

  • 19 years ago

    by firexflys

    Awwww hun i am sorry i havent been there for you much been so busy with school and work. i hope your ok. keep your head up hun

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