Save me

by Dominique   Jan 5, 2006

Kill me slowly
My mind is weak
No confronting soul
Your words were always so bleak
Wash me away
Forget that I exist
I can see the blackness of sorrow
I can taste deaths sweet kiss
Show mercy
Spread some light upon my soul
Break down my walls of frustration
Or dig my six foot hole
Give an opportunity
For this pain to cease
Help pave the way for happiness
Rid me of sorrows beast
Take away my hunger
Feed me love from the heart
Find my missing pieces
Before I fall apart
Change the face of humiliation
Let it become compassion instead
Dont stray away from truth
Your lack of heart will leave me for dead
Help me fight off my old enemies
Pain, depression, and sorrow
Give me a reason to breath
To live unto tomorrow
Stop the constant taunting
The voices wont let me sleep
Take away my razor
Before I cut too deep
Treat me like your child
Protect me from the unknown
Give me company in my insanity
Dont leave me alone
The storm clouds have gotten bigger
Casting darkness upon my life
Help me before I break
I can no longer fight
Find me a place for me to go
Where this reality wont sink in
Break these chains that hold me back
Release from this prison
Listen to the words Ive said
That come from deep within my heart
All I ask is for a helping hand
Before my life falls apart


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  • 19 years ago

    by Once an Angel

    Heh . . . sorry I bit your head off again . . . *sweat drop* I got your message about not posting again . . . fogive me? And this poem is really great, I mean really great with a lot of emotion and a heartfelt message. My response to it could be found in my poem Because I love you and I look deep into your eyes. If you really feel this way, my heart goes out to you, and I wanna help out if I can, and if you don't, you are good are writing like you do, so talent to you!

    -Tainted Mikochan