My Friend And I.

by michelle   Jan 5, 2006

We talk most every night,
Reminisce about our days,
your the one i can talk too,
Your my guide when I'm astray.

The other day i woke to find,
I had received a letter,
Reading down the page it said
'things are soon to get better'.

At the bottom was your name,
love your 'very special friend',
I no right now your life is tough,
but one day your sure to mend.

I tryed my hardest not to cry,
but what you wrote was just so nice,
I want you to no id never go back,
to my ways of using a knife.

You've been so great my friend,
and in more ways than one,
you've picked me up on days,
when Ive felt this fight is done.

So i really want to say thank you,
for listening,understanding, and being there,
i want you to no I'm grateful,
and its precious this friendship we share.

This is for my very special friend-she knows who she is..shes been there through thick and thin,and our friendship is truly amazing.its great to know i have someone like her,that i an turn to.Shes the one i can say anything too,and for that,shes great.thanks if you read this,and i hope you all have a friend like mine.take care xxx


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  • 19 years ago

    by Kys Dirty Little Secret

    I do have a best friend like that even though we may fight sometimes we usually end up friends in like an hour. i don't know what I would do without her I luv my best friend like a sister and i would never change that for the world!

  • 19 years ago

    by Kys Dirty Little Secret

    I do have a best friend like that even though we may fight sometimes we usually end up friends in like an hour. i don't know what I would do without her I luv my best friend like a sister and i would never change that for the world!

  • 19 years ago

    by PrincessCatalina

    Thats so sweet!! Great job, keep 'em flowing! xoxo~Catalina 5/5

  • 19 years ago

    by Sammikinz

    Great poem......i have a friend like that..its reli great that u do the poem xxxx