Our love will never cease

by ♥s|a|r|a|h♥   Jan 5, 2006

Trying to remember the times that we had
the moments we cherished
the good and the bad
the thoughts that never perished

thinking about when we first met
the looks that we swapped
the challenges we set
all the things that we dropped

reminiscing of the time we spent together
the minutes and the hours
no matter what the weather
caught in each others magical powers

remembering the times we were in pain
we were there for each other
when everyone else was so vain
we vowed never to leave one another

we concealed each others every fears
and swore we always would
painting rainbows with sorrowful tears
and we wish we always could

concealing the thought of us within each others reach
whenever we can, wherever we please
raw away, or within reach
our love for each other will never cease.


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  • 19 years ago

    by StormShadow

    5/5! Really beautiful poem, I envy you're love! lol ... keep up the gud work!

  • 19 years ago

    by dora

    3.0 i mean l0lz s0rry darl. =) keep up g0od w0rk

  • 19 years ago

    by dora

    1.3 wht the hell? ths was g0od darl. very t0uching g0od write. 5/5! =)

    l0tz 0f l0ve/ d0ra