Scared to be Broken

by Kristen   Jan 5, 2006

Worried to begin with
Scared from the start
Paranoid about her love
How it can be ripped apart
Her heart so vulnerable
So weak and scared
Yet she knows she is in love
So her fear is bared
He could be someone different
Wearing a inviting mask
Take her and deal with her
Making it all a simple task
She leaves out her heart
For her lover to take
She hopes and prays
She is not making a mistake
One day it was hit
And it was hit hard
She remembers that fight to this day
Her heart lightly scarred
But she pushed that aside
And loved him just as much
She longed to be held
She longed for his touch
Others would beat her down
Tell her his words were trash
They taunted and taunted
Her happiness now ash
She would bring up suicide
Out of the depths of her mind
Taking as way to get away
From this world so unkind
But she pushes it back
With the thought of him
Slowly her world
Does not seem so dim
She could not bear the pain
She could not stand it much longer
She explained to him
How he should get someone stronger
He shredded her heart
Her love and her pride
That night when she read his response
Something in her died
He moved on quick
She is still trying to heal
He said that he cheated on her
She wondered how that girl must feel
She now writes this poem
It hurts too much now to cry
Slowly she moves on
Letting out only a sad sigh


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  • 19 years ago


    I love this poem... I know what it feels like... I was in love with a guy and he cheated on me... sad thing was that he cheated on me with my cousin.. and I LIVED with her... it sux!!! I hope you get through it