FOREVER* PART2(gets real good)

by oXoIESWYDEOPINoXo   Jan 6, 2006

Instantly he broke into tears,
as he threw the phone,
he dropped down to his knees,
he felt truly alone,

late last night she was driving to his house,
to tell him she still loved him,
people make mistakes,
and she understood that this was one of them,

she must of been an emotional mess,
because she didn\\\'t see the other car,
she crossed into the other lane,
leaving her car one great scar,

Head-on collision,
caused a scare in her young life,
he assumes she must be dead,
and he is now left to live holding a very sharp knife,

he knew he couldn\\\'t live through this,
not with her heart in his hands,
slowly he raised the knife,
wanting her smile back the most he possibly can,

thought about her face,
then gripped the heavy knife,
forced the blade straight through his broken heart,
ending his own life,

fell all on the floor,
bleeding half to death,
stared at the ringing phone,
and struggled to pick it up,

His finger hit a button,
that said speaker phone,
a tear fell down his face,
when he found that it was her,

he started to try and talk,
and faintly she heard him say,
\\\"I love you\\\",
and very shortly after...he slipped away,

she started shouting \\\"whats wrong!?\\\",
but there was no reply,
she said that she was fine,
but if i wouldn\\\'t of worn my seat belt,
i probably would of died,

screaming and yelling,
she didn\\\'t hear a word,
nothing but dead silence,
nothing left to be heard,

she quickly hung up the phone,
got out of the hospital bed,
still wearing her medical robe,
kept thinking of all the horrible things in the past she had said,

she quickly waved down a cab,
told the driver where to take her,
because after everything they had been through,
she had to tell him it will never be over,

She saw his car was there,
so she desperately knocked on the door,
but there was no answer,
so she let herself inside to the wooden oak floor,

she ran into his room,
saw the love of her life laying there,
he was surrounded by a puddle of blood,

she yelled for help and ran to him,
grabbed the phone and called 911,
but she realized soon enough,
that he had left and for good he is gone,

she fell down to his body,
screamed at the top of her lungs,
tears streaming down her face,
wondering of his reason,

she felt it was indeed her fault,
and knew she could never be,
her heart could never go on,
his kiss she would always need,

faintly she grabbed the knife,
that was covered in blood and gripped inside his hand,
she knew what she need to do,
if she didn\\\'t the guilt would never end,

slowly she leaned over,
kissed him on the cheek,
with one hand she grabbed his hand,
like they had always done from the start,
and with the other she held the knife,
then jabbed it into her heart,

They both met in grade school,
she is such a beautiful sight to see,
he can be intellectual,
just knew they were meant to be,

Once they got together,
both being sweet sixteen,
knew they would be forever,
the cutest couple you had ever seen.

**please rate and please comment..would love to know what everyone thought. sorry so long!


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  • 19 years ago

    by niki

    It is so long but so wonderful great job!!!! man now im cryin!!

  • 19 years ago

    by stephyG

    Omg dat was soo sad!! AwwzZz.. iT aslo reminded me of romeo n jUlz but it was stil reali good :) mwa

  • 19 years ago

    by Elise

    Great poem, "true love concures all"

  • 19 years ago

    by CrAzY GiRl

    Good poem 5/5 love crazy xoxox

  • 19 years ago

    by JAY Poet

    Great poem it brought me to tears i loved it!!!!!!!!!!