Fabula Fides (Part III. Death: be not proud)

by HansRik   Jan 6, 2006

But hark! His heart so weakened was by age,
that soon it failed, writing thus Jack's last page.
The river Thames many tears for him shed,
the clouds, its cries, ceased not to spread.

In everybody's soul his smile remains.
And now...
His epitaph these gracious words contains:

"In humankind, my faith I have regained.
I wish upon your hearts to do the same.

"This life has taught me all that I can know:
that life is not a futile thought, oh no!
Instead, a gift it is, a gift we must enjoy.

"Whate'er you wish, if from your heart, becomes reality,
so let us wish for peace, for joy, for our fraternity."

Our man, so cold and lonely found that life's a real gift,
and one we must cherish, for it is brief and swift.
Material wealth gives not the joy we seek,
instead the heart must learn to beat from love unique.

And then, we learn the real purpose of life:
to see a person smile for we have helped them.

Part 3 of Fabula Fides recounts the death of an enlightened Jack, who finally found a reason to celebrate Christmas, but more importantly, one to celebrate life. Death is but a mere stage in our lives. Real death only takes place when, consumed by egoism, we have not been able to help other people.


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  • 19 years ago

    by Gesselle Valle

    Hey...cuando escribiste este poema? I didn't read it before...:'( Extrano mucho cuando no escribes...y no me doy cuenta cuando lo haces...lol, many hugs my friend, take care and great poem!

  • 19 years ago

    by Little Dot

    Superb ending for the poem. It made everything come together. This poem was outstanding.