Civil war

by ShaeBaeBae   Jan 6, 2006

I'm crying
I'm dieing
whatever is more pathetic
I'm falling,
I'm crawling
got to keep going on
for our country
our freedom
many life's are at stake
one big mistake
could change all of our liefs
this is my civil war
i am fighting for the millions of people i adore
and i don't think i could kill anymore
so why do you ask me to fight
when i won't kill
i am walking
i watching
i am walking
around whatever left
of our country
a great battle was at hand
why must civil blood make civil hands unclean?
this is my civil war
i am fight Inga for the millions of people i adore
and i don't think i could kill anymore
so why do you asker me to fight
when i won't kill
i am waiting
i am patient
as i watch all of the soldiers
march slowly with Tye California flag
why must we
fir pistols
and gut our fellow man
what Erv happened to civilization?
this is my civil war
i am fighting for Tye millions of people i adore
and i don't think i could kill anymore so why do you asker me to fight
when i won't kill?!


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  • 19 years ago

    by The Poetic Child

    Hey i cant comment on your poetry really because i commented on everysingle one already

  • 19 years ago

    by The Poetic Child

    That was nice right there, that was really really good, you should have that one rapped to, that was really awesome, excellent job 5/5..and thank you for the comment on my poem, i really appreciated it, thank you soo much, im just now returnin favor, and again, Excellent Poem, and thank you, ttyl hopefully

    The Poet