I know I am a Meany at times
I know I make you feel the same way
I know I make you mad
I dint mean to do these things
I am just so sad
I cant tell anyone anything
no one is there for me
I try to help
but all I do
is make things worse
I now know why you may hate me
but i dint mean to be this way
my life has gone from the best to the worse
and everyday it seems like it is slipping away more
and more
no one understands me
no one can see
i try to keep it all build up but sometimes
it just shows the real me......
so i am sorry that i am around
i am sorry you have to hear the sound of my voice
i try to tell you i am sorry
but you dint want to hear it
anymore i understand why it has to be this way
cause it is my reality that is all I have to say!
so you dint have to see me you dint have
to look you dint have to say hi but at least you can do
for me is say good bye one last time!