That Girl

by Becky   Jan 6, 2006

Please comment i would greatly appreciate it, to show this i will comment two poems for whoever comments this one please and thank you again*~*Becky*~*

i look in the mirror
and see this girl looking back

her lips move in silent words
her mouth open in a forever soundless scream
her hands raised upon the mirror
in my silent surrender

i lift my hands from the mirror
and watch as she continues to scream silently
"please god let me die
anything to make it stop"

her silent screams echo in my head
each syllable everlasting

i can hardly pull my eyes away
then finally my eyes wander

they go to my desk
and the few things atop

i see my journal with a self portrait
in the mirror my hands are raised
my mouth open in agony

next to that is my towel
once white, now brown with dried blood
atop that, my blade still covered in blood and my "paper weight"
i use it to sharpen her blade

along with that, my box of pills
my box of cigarettes
a lighter and a lit candle

this is the usual setting
when she plays her game

time seems to stop
next thing i know i am standing next to the desk
the blade in my hand

I don't want to....
my thoughts are interrupted
my eyes drawn to the mirror
a soft sobbing sound comes from her

she is on the ground looking into the mirror at me
her legs drawn up to her chin
her arms slack at her sides
pain and fear in her eyes

through her sobbing
i hear dripping like water on wood
no, not water, something thicker
i look down at my arms slack at my sides

i see blood dripping rapidly
from deep weeping wounds

i look to the mirror
we both look to her arms
she raise them in awe

we both watch
while gashes appear in the same places as mine
as if an imaginary knife slices her skin

she looks up at me
and our eyes meet
i can feel the familiar pain radiating from them

i watch as my face grows pale
i reach out for support
she hurries up to catch me
but is blocked

blocked by the wall i built, many years ago
between myself
and the real me

she begins crying again
as i fall to the floor
my eyes locked on hers
she slides to the ground
we touch hands through the mirror
and smile

as we are both set free

pleas please comment i would love it. thanks a bunch *~*Becky*~*


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Latest Comments

  • 17 years ago

    by Sammy

    Wow, you realy catch they way people can feel when you write becky. It's a true talent yo u have. I know that when i used to cut myself i stopped because one day i was going through photo's and saw the old me. And i knew i had to stop. Thank You

  • 18 years ago

    by Kurt

    I like this poem. The idea of splitting your choices into separate people was invigorating. To see such a unique style was nice. I'd never have thought to break my emotions down into people so the reader can see what they do to each other. Blown away by this poem. I hope that sooner rather than later that you feel better.

    Best Wishes

  • 18 years ago

    by Carmen

    Wow... i cant believe the emotion packed in this poem... so, im guessing the girl in the mirror was her image? sorry, i'm a dumb brunette :P well, loved it. 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by X2892

    U r a really good wirter 5/5

  • 19 years ago

    by Macy

    Wow that was amazing
    I love you style of writing.