Mi Amor(My Love)

by **Yari**   Jan 7, 2006

My life without you would
be a discrace
I like so much that
my heart will never 4get u
Everytime that we're 2gether
I feel butterflies because
I kno that you are protecting me
If you leave me my life
will break into pieces
Im not worth anything
if u leave me
Mi amor, I need you so
that you can give me strength 2 be wit you
Baby, I luv you!!!


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  • 19 years ago

    by Rican Chemistry

    Oh I am soooooo sorry I saw Yari as the name and theres another Yari on this site and well I confused ya...Sry for being so free wit my words, again I though it was some1 else. But my comment is still true...U got the talent I can see it, u just need a little more practice...Dont get mad please lolz....



  • 19 years ago

    by Rican Chemistry

    Waaup nena I kno u can do better...its aiight but u got talent boo, use it. Either way its nice, because I kno what u talkin bout and how that feels. Keep them coming....Lots of love,
