Cutters never live

by katee   Jan 7, 2006

I was so scared when i screamed what,
I couldn't believe that you would cut,
Your life was full of glee,
So what was so horrid to cost you this fee,
She said it was alright and shrugged,
I didnt know what to do so I hugged,
She said again it was alright as long as I don't make a real deathly stains,
I cried but what happens if you do hit a vein,
she walked away,
So I was left there to be swayed,
I went to her domicile,
And there I felt death's smirking smile,
Below her window in the mud,
I found some dark red blood,
When i got to her room,
She had already encountered her doom,
I called everyone,
And explained what she had done,
I now feel her sorrow,
But always say I'm gonna see tomorrow.

Hey guys, i would really appreciate if you would rate and comment on my poems. thank you. ^_^


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  • 19 years ago

    by Wings Of Flames

    EVery smile has its secret
    wow great poem I liked the flow you used
    keep it up

  • 19 years ago

    by stephalee

    This is really good cutting is really bad my friend does it and i use to and i dont think it was ever worth it

    great poem!

  • 19 years ago

    by *Friends Are Stars*

    Really good poem i can kinda relateish. keep writing 5/5 xxxx