Why I struggle

by Ed   Jan 7, 2006

You say I'm the bad kid,
The one that makes you sad.
I'm the reason you are ill,
The one you wish you never had.

Well I'm sorry for all the pain I caused,
I'm sorry you feel that way.
I'm sorry you feel the need to beat me,
Until I can't find the words I wanted to say.

You vent your anger through your fists,
And it's me they land onto.
I fight you back because I have to Dad,
I struggle because I love you.

I know when Mum died it broke your heart,
But remember, she was something to me too.
It hurts you to think about her,
But it hurts me too.

I know there's no love in there for me,
That is where your love will always lack.
But please Dad, stop hitting me
Before I stop struggling back.


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  • 19 years ago

    by my name is Llama

    Hey g8 peom
    my name's ed 2 cept most ppl call me eddy it stands 4 edwina i take it ur's stands 4 edward..anyway keep up the gud work and i'll keep reading

  • 19 years ago

    by JLT

    Awwww.... Ed... Gimme a hug! That's so sad:( The words came together so perfectly.. It's beautiful.. Brought a tear to my eye :'/ *hugs*


  • 19 years ago

    by Bleeding Mascara

    This is honestly such a sad story i have tears in my eyes i really like the ending it was touching keep writting i like ur style of talent and i hope u and ur dad sort stuff out