One And Only

by Amber   Jan 7, 2006

The blue summer sky
Was clearer than ever.
And seeing you stare,
There was nothing better.
Reaching out
You took my hand
My heart began racing,
I could barely stand.
Walking then,
Hand in hand,
We made our way,
Across the sand.
Clumsy was I,
You must have knew.
Cause into your arms
Was I, you drew.
Pressing your lips,
Gently to mine,
So many feelings,
I couldn't describe.
Wrapped tightly, was I
In your warm embrace,
An emotion filled me,
Like everything was in place.
There we stood in a moment
Of bliss and lingering passion,
But all that could be heard,
Was distant waves crashin'.
Time stood-still
For hours it seemed,
But dusk proved me wrong,
As the sun sank into the sea.
Pressing my shoes
firmly in the sand,
We made our way
back toward the land,
Smiling at you,
I couldn't stop
And biting my lip
Until it began to throb.
It was that moment,
Looking in your eyes I knew,
That all I wanted would be you.
You kissed my cheek,
And opened my door,
Then on I knew,
I'd love no one more.


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  • 18 years ago

    by Michele

    Girl, your very talented, Please never stop writing poetry. You truely have a gift from above. Thank you for sharing your talent with all of us!

  • 19 years ago

    by Luke

    The Pattern Of Rhymes Is Weird.. But It Seems Realy Good With It. =D Keep It Up. ;D

  • 19 years ago

    by love2beloved(chels)

    That was great. Words can't express how goo I thought that was. 5/5 8-)

  • 19 years ago

    by FaLlEnDreAm

    Nice One...

  • 19 years ago

    by The Angel of Secrets

    I love the poem, It's really good.
