If I'm Invisible...

by Ed   Jan 7, 2006

IF I'm invisible
Why do they stare?
If I'm invisible
Why do they glare?
If I'm invisible
Why are they unfair?
If I'm invisible
Why do you care?


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  • 19 years ago

    by Chelsey

    It makes me so sad when I read poems like these and know people feel this way...such is life though...people are people and there is nothing we can do to stop them from staring or giving rude comments.......But if you do feel this way..know there are people (me for example) who care...I get e-mails all the time from people on this site who are going through a hard time and just need to vent...feel free to PM me....Even though you don't know me I'm someone who will listen and sometimes thats just what us humans need,,,a friend to listen to.....good thing..I love poems that ask questions..they're my fave so Im glad I picked this for a read! Great Job!!