True darkness:

by Passionate   Jan 7, 2006

I'll find a razor when i get home,
and then I'll be gone into true darkness to roam.
I'll sit there with blood on my hands,
the proof there is no one who is called a good man,
no one to stand up for me.
alone, finally alone I'll be.
maybe then he'll see what he did to me,
maybe at my funeral I'll see one
true friend.
is it really to much to ask just to be loved,
not to be wrong,
not to be called names and questioned?
not to make a mistake?
it's just too much to take.
when i finally go too far,
is that when they'll see what they really are?
will they ever see, i was never mean?
eventually i will fall into true darkness,
and it will be better when I'm alone.


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  • 19 years ago

    by master of shadow

    Brilliant peice.

    btw. i think your a brilliant writter. all your poems are very expressive and deep.

  • 19 years ago

    by Iola

    Hi, thx for your comment on my poem...

    With your poem it's clear that you despise people who dissapoint you.. but your sacrifice may be to big..

  • 19 years ago

    by Kandace

    Wow..gorgeous poem..I LOVED IT!! it was really deep and i love those type of poems.. thx for commenting my poem and i took ur advice it actually sounds a lot better now. well if u can view more of my poems cause i have a variety of them.. i have read a few of ur poems and ur a really good writer!!! keep it up!!

  • 19 years ago

    by Sasha

    Vary good and if you need to talk i'm here ok well vary nice keep it up!