Silent Killer

by Jimmy Silviotti   Jan 7, 2006

Everyone has their time to go, I guess your time was through.
Even as the years may pass, I'll still be missing you.
You were 69 years young, with plenty of time to go.
Until that silent killer came, and the symptoms began to show.
Simple tasks became mission, on their very own.
Every move you had to make, you would start grunt and grown.
The pain came on so hard, it hurt you very fast.
Becoming weaker sooner, each breath could be your last.
Walking became hard, you seldom feel to the floor.
Death was coming soon, I heard him knocking on the door.
Then came the coma, we new the end was near.
This reoccurring nightmare, became a living fear.
Seconds became minutes, minutes drew to hours.
Tears came flowing out, like afternoon rain showers.
We knew what was coming, we knew it very dear.
We dealt with it for months now, now the time was here.
God lifted you in his arms, and held you like a child.
You opened up your eyes, and I swear I thought you smiled.
I kissed you on your forehead, and said my last goodbye.
I looked up at the others, and than began to cry.
I looked up at the cross, above where you were laying.
I wiped off my all tears, and then started praying.
I knelt down on my knees, and the pain just went away.
I knew from that point on, I'd see you again some day.

R.I.P. Grandpa
-I love you and I miss you


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  • 18 years ago

    by YoU-nEvEr-NeW

    Aww im sry your g pa died =[... but i read alot of your stuff and its really good!!! if u have aim are anything feel free to im me are some thing cuz i love to met new ppl!!! (ohh im the lama one) well good job 5/5!

  • 19 years ago

    by Sparklylipgloss

    This is one of the best poems I have ever read. My Grandpa recently passed away, and I can really actually relate to this. In any case I think this will relate to the death of a family memeber.I