Under the Rose

by Jonathan   Jan 7, 2006

I can see it, but it is out of my reach
I can smell it, but it is out of my reach
I hold it in my hand, but I can´t have it

Desperately I seek what I can´t get
Long I have wanted the forbidden fruit

For a thousand years or two I have longed for it
And now I see it, but it is given to thee.
Why is it I who shall bear the burden? The burden and the pain of tomorrow?
Why can't I get what I want?
It is such a small thing.

Long I stood there, observing
Observing what should have been I
But it is thee, who get's it.

Why am I denied the award?
The one thing in life i have ever fought for
But it is me denied

But after another thousands year I get it.

I can see it, and I can touch it
I can smell it, and I can taste it
I holds it in my hand, and i can have it

But when time is drawing near
And the day of judgment has come
The truth lies ahead of I

I never saw it, it is gone
I never smelled it, it is gone
I never hold it, and I never had it.


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  • 18 years ago

    by Sole

    Your concept of love is great. The way you write the poem is greater. The impact on the reader after the poem is beyond greatness! I loved your poem :)

    Peace. [Sole]

  • 19 years ago

    by Emma

    You have accurately grasped love...this is great : )

  • 19 years ago

    by shannon

    Aww that was so good nice job hun 5/5

    take care

  • 19 years ago

    by Alex Marlatt

    Good poem, I liked the last stanza alot

  • 19 years ago

    by Gretchen

    Long I have wanted no e. The one thing in Life not live I ever fought for. I hold it in my hand not holds. I liked the poem it was different and unique. Good job