
by Monique   Jan 7, 2006

Looking at myself,
Through the mirror which won't lie.
All I see is imperfections,
I just want to die.

Why am I so insecure?
I don't see my beauty.
This is a curse,
I need to come back down to reality.

Itâ??s so hard to believe,
Somebody reason with me.
Before I go too far.
I'm slowly fading away, don't you see?

In my security blanket,
From the world I hide.
Away from pain, truth and gawking eyes,
By these rules not much longer can I abide.

Wake up every morning,
Look at myself in hate.
Another tormenting day.
Ask myself how much more can I take?

How many more days,
Days of throwing up.
Picking myself up off the floor,
I know I need to grow up.

It's not as easy as it seems,
When women are pressured to be thin.
Everyday you're judged.
Why canâ??t I be happy in my own skin?

Snap out of it they say,
Well try being me for just one day.
Faced with decisions too hard to make,
You too will soon be praying for a better day.

Don't tell me I'm crazy,
Many others are just like me.
Insecure, taken in by the pressure,
It's not easy to admit, but we all need help desperately.


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  • 18 years ago

    by Poetvoices

    Beautifully put. I don't know EXACTLY how you feel, but I've been in similar circumstances.

  • 19 years ago

    by Anthony Vasconez

    Lets Start on a posiive note.....the poem is good on a level where I *as the reader* and place myself in your shoes and understand what your going through with your words.

    The only thing i had basically following is the flow of the poem. I would get a flow going, but then the rhythem would change...I am actually very impressed your 14 and have these stong words within your expressions.

    I Started at age 11, so you def have what it takes....Def makes me want to read on to some of your other pieces.

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