No need for im sorry

by kisses   Jan 8, 2006

I can tell when your pushing me away,
Dont think for a moment your fooling me,
My whole life people just brush me off,
Now its just away of life,
I know youve choosen her over me,
No need for im sorries Ive heard it all before,
But this time it hurts different I cant really explain,
Maybe for the first time I believed hed pick me,
He was the first guy i let see the real me
Saw Everything the heartache and the joy
I wish I could fight for you but i don't what good that would do
So please for give me if I just let go
I dont know how long I can fake it.....

please comment and rate this poem my these past two months so many guys have choose another girl over me and this just how it would feel....thanx


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  • 19 years ago

    by Jade Castle

    I can totaly relate to this poem....the same thing has been happeneing to me since about November. all these guys that liked me in the begining chose my best friend over me.....

    I love ur poems...

    Keep writing