Spoken Pain

by Melissa   Jan 8, 2006

No one knows
The tears I cry
As the night
Slips silently by

The tears I cry
For love untold
Now I feel
Very cold

Grab a blanket
Wrap up tight
Its going to be
A long night

My mind filled
With horrible thoughts
Why did I let you
Call the shots

You pulled me into
Your big, warm bed
I protested, but
My eyes filled with dread

Now Im here
My possession stolen
The thing very precious
My eyes are swollen

This thing I had kept
Was a gift for my lover
Hell never get it
He will discover

It was taken
From me with force
Though I looked
I could not find the source

Is a rare gift
For it is taken
Very swift

I will never
Love my first time
Instead, I hate it
It felt like slime

Stupid bastard
Stole it all
Then he sat
And watched me crawl

I crawled for help
Then I screamed
Of this, I had never
Ever dreamed

He pulled me back
Onto the bed
He slapped me until
I turned red

He screamed that I
Was not to tell
It really felt like
I was in hell

He yelled that if I
Told, Id be killed
My heart was breaking
With dread, it filled

Somehow though
I got away
I will live to see
Another day

He was found out
He was jailed
He was life-sentenced
His plans all failed

Now I sit here
Shaken, but alive
And I will continue
To live and thrive

(Sorry it was so long)


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  • 19 years ago

    by Bleeding Mascara

    This is so sad and tragic and poetic and talented i hope it didnt really happen