My reflection in the mirror
Engulfed in flames
Clawing to get out
Trapped forever
In the mirror of my life
The flames surround her
My poor reflection
And she cries for me to help
But all I do is watch
I let her suffer
She screams to me
With her eyes
But I look back not caring
Let her burn
Let her burn
She never does what I want
Never looks how I wish
She's just a disappointment
Go ahead and die
I hate you, Reflection
Maybe if she was who they want
Then I would care
I would want to save her
But she's not who they want me to be
So I'll let her burn
Goodbye Reflection
You're not the perfect girl
You don't meet their standards
Maybe if you had tried a little harder
But it's too late for that
Go ahead and burn
The picture this poem was based off of. Yes, that's me.