To those who feel the pain

by   Jan 8, 2006

Hearts are racing
Minds are spinning
The pain we feel grows
Yet this is just the beginning

The mistakes we made
The promises we broke
The shadows on our hearts
And the words we never spoke

The world of hurt
The endless lies
The river of tears
Locked behind these eyes

The broken heart
The shattered soul
The missing person
To make us whole

The darkest nightmares
The blinded sight
The messed up things
That will never be right

The people that mock
The words that taunt
The painful truth
That will always haunt

The terrible hurt
The shameful reflection
The life time of misery
Showing us our imperfection

The horrible loneliness
The unending pain
The racing thoughts
That drive us insane

The memories that scar
The marks that don't fade
The empty feeling
After using the blade

The endless nights
The looks of disgrace
The feeling of shame
Knowing you don't fit in this place.

We've all got something
Something that's going wrong,
But just remember...
We have to be strong...

**This is for anyone who's ever had it bad, who's felt alone, and unwanted...It may seem hard to believe but we all have a purpose here...And when we can't see it all you can do is hope...


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  • 19 years ago

    by simplysarah

    That hit home so bad, i had a tear.
    well done.

  • 19 years ago

    by .x.HauNt.x.Me.x.

    That was really good! keep on writin..u got skill...
    LuV RiNtY xx

  • 19 years ago

    by Allison

    This was an awsome poem and I really liked it. Keep up the good work. *5/5*

  • 19 years ago

    by DJ

    Your poem is real inspiring, i like the way it just flows. thanks it helps to know other feel that way and can still hold their head up high and say thats how it was meant to be.