I\'ll love you just the way you are (spots and all)

by Bleeding Mascara   Jan 8, 2006

You don't gotta change for me
I don't want you all brand new
i love that old car smell
that i smell on you

you don't gotta change for me
I'm always here for you
i wanna know who u r
i don't want to miss lil old you

you don't gotta change for me
i don't gotta change for you
i like you just how u r
and u like me like this too?

You don't gotta change for me
cos you'll always be the same
you'll always smile that stupid smile
and make a joke so lame

you don't gotta change for me
when Ive seen you change already
Ive got u how i want you
and that just suits me plenty

you don't gotta change for me
cos I'll love you no matter what
i cant stand to be without you
i think you've lost the plot

cos no matter how u look
no matter how u act
you'll always be the same old you
and thats the end of that


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  • 19 years ago

    by Bobbi

    Omg i love this! i know just what you mean too! yea thanx for commenting for me.

  • 19 years ago

    by Mimi112

    Nice poem !! i like it a lot. cuz i believe that no one has to change for another person.ppl have tol ike each other for who and what they are,flaws and everything right?? thanx a lot for cmmentingon my poem, i thought it was a pretty good one, but no one had commented or voted.. so thanxa lot !! keep it up !! xxx

  • 19 years ago

    by Drew

    I really liked that poem because no one should try to change who you are. I hope i get outta my funk soon but reading your poems really helps keep up the good work.

  • 19 years ago

    by alyshaa

    That was really good:) you have talent keep it upp!.. and thanks so much for commenting on my poem it totally made my day:)

  • 19 years ago

    by Reem O

    I love ur poem:) thanx 4 commenting on ma poem

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