That Boy

by Lauren   Jan 8, 2006

& when he said goodbye,
it was all she could do not to cry.
all the memories they shared..
& he acted like he never even cared.
he gave her one last kiss,
& grabbed her wrist.
slowly he whispered \"i dont love you anymore\"
& turned away.
for that boy she loved
was walking away.
& then the tears started to fall,
as that boy ran down the hall.
then she thought..
..all the memories we shared..
& he acts like he doesnt even care..

**its really short but its my first poem so...its probably bad...


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  • 18 years ago

    by Misz Luving You

    Though you said it was your first poem i found it real good i've seen you've written alot more poems and there all real good. im a beginner in writing poems to. but from what i can tell your a really good writer. keep up the good work

  • 18 years ago

    by Fallen~Tears

    I love it.. Hey im going threw the same thing about having someone leave you and not being over them .. Like you said in your profile.. well i love it please check out my poems..


  • 19 years ago

    by hurtincuzofhim

    Great poem....basically want happened w me and my bf

  • 19 years ago

    by nadsyy

    Awww i had tears in ma eyes:'( gr8 job expressing yrself though..if u get time can u check out a few of ma da bestest riter but aye i try lol ...luv dia mwaz xoxo

  • 19 years ago

    by holly

    That was great i could really feel the pain in that poem and espically for a first poem it was great :D:D
    lots of love xxALLYxx