Civilized People

by Atomic   Jan 9, 2006

A violent act against racism,
That is not who I truly am.
I am the shepherd who will lead,
All my fellow sheep and lambs.

Follow my footsteps into,
A world of multi-colors,
Where there's no difference,
In who I call my brothers.

Don't fight back to nonsense,
Being who you are is strong.
If you rise your fist to them,
It is you who is dead wrong.

Show them you're not different,
You can be civilized people too.
Just because your skin is darker,
Doesn't mean they can harm you.

I have a dream that one day,
Black and white will be just colors.
It can't determine who we are,
To the Blacks, Whites, and others.

Dr. Martin Luther King Junior,
That is who I am and can be.
Your identity can be your name,
If you just join this march with me.

Don't sink your pride that low,
And follow what they have done.
If you just continue marching on,
You can stop what they've begun.

If my life ended this very day,
No regrets would be on my part.
For I'll know I've done what's right.
By listening to my beating heart.

I had a dream to end this racism,
And my dreams did come true.
Now if you don't fight back,
You, my friend, can dream too.

( )_( )
(")-(") Arrivederci!©


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  • 18 years ago

    by Laura

    This poem was truly astounding. Very well written and the flow was flawless.
    very unique topic witha strong message!!!! Great Write!

  • 18 years ago

    by ScarletHaze

    Awesome! and a great message! xxx

  • 19 years ago

    by Angie

    Powerful words Atomic....... I have a dream, which is, I wish the rest of the world would read these words and heed them..... Wonderful wonderful write.

    Smiles, Hugs and Love, Angela

  • 19 years ago

    by Simon Hayes

    DEEP! A really meaningful write. Racism is ugly. To me there is no colour. Everyone is a person and deserves the same respect and love that we give to anyone else regardless of race or colour.

    Well written, I hope people take note of this!!!

  • 19 years ago

    by Anthony

    I loved this poem so bad!!!! My favoite lines were

    "Don't sink your pride that low,
    And follow what they have done.
    If you just continue marching on,
    You can stop what they've begun."

    If Ms. Bryant Doesnt give you an A I swear I'm gonna Boo her!!! IN CLASS!! I sear it!!! ^_^ YOu just proved that you can write about anything.. I think... ^_^ Again, awesome write.
