Hatred To A Father

by EJ   Jan 9, 2006

Ok its really long and about my dad.. just a way of relieve stress on that whole problem.. thanks for all who read.. and if you would comment.. i would mean a lot to me..

Everyone said I should talk to you
they didnt know how u made me cry
no one could see how truly in you I believed
when I was just a little girl
you were my knight in shining armor
you could take away all my fears
the nights you werent here I knew in my heart
That you were thinking of me too
you promised I would always be your little girl
but as I got older I saw you less and less
you always promised you loved me
even when you first got engaged
you said I would always have your heart
and no woman would push me around
at 8 I believed that and thought it was true
but as I grew your heart grew too
her son was my best friend but she was my enemy
you never heard her yell at me
although sometimes you were in the same room
you would just sit there with no thought in the world
and later say you were sorry and you love me no matter what
by 13 I thought it could work with time u would be mine
you would be my daddy and I would be your little girl
but by my 15th summer I knew the real truth
I would never be as good as the family you held now
one night she started yelling at me
you sat there watching her call me a w***e
she yelled that I was stupid
and that I didnt matter
only if I left would make her gladder
with tears in my eyes I yelled for her to stop
looking to my knight in armor
but the beer was all you harbored
I left soon the next day to stay with a friend
you tried to call and say you were sorry
and I agreed with you a sorry alcoholic
you had her try and call to and told her to be my friend
she started off with “hey there girl friend”
I ended it by simply pressing end
my 16th birthday you called again
to you nothing had changed
but to me you had lost you best
Now I look back thinking all the signs now show
I should have known from the start
I didnt have my own bed in which to sleep
then came the stupid dog
with whom I was to share my little food
and when I didnt I was called fat and told to share
the statement later came “it wont hurt you none
just give him one bite”
I couldnt take the pain anymore
no one understood my other world
they all saw the life I live with my mom
and thought with my dad I would still have the world
but the truth I hid underneath my lying eyes
only a few knew how I really cried
friends with both parents never understood
the pain of having to change back and forth
but now its done another chapter for change
I’m done with you dad nothing more to say


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  • 18 years ago

    by Jennifer

    Thats how i feel with a mom and step dad...i hate mine and step mom...you said you liked my poems part one and two of perfect life...well most of it is about my dad...some my grandpa and ex boyfriend...but mostly my dad...:( i understand how you feel and i'm sorry good luck!!!

  • 19 years ago

    by Spitfire

    I love that
    im sorry if any of it is true
    its amazing
    and have u told ur dad any of this
    if so i need some advise on how to tell my dad to leave me alone
    he has cause me so much pain and i would like it if u could help me sometime
    and if u ever need anything just email me or comment me and ask if we could talk

  • 19 years ago

    by Tara Kay

    It was very long, but really good, expressed emotions well. well done.
    keep it up
    tara xxxxxxxxxx

  • 19 years ago

    by Samantha

    Really nice i really liked this and i sorta know how you feel... my dad is an a** too... nice job with your poem you did a very nice job...

    keep it up


  • 19 years ago

    by master of shadow

    Great poem. i dont really get on with either of my parents, so i can relate in a way. you put a lot of emotion into this and protrayed it very well